Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Whole New Chapter

Well, here it goes. Another adventure into the Blogworld. A few years ago, EVERYONE blogged. Now, it's a dying art. I'm doing this for me, as well as for those of you who let me know quite consistently that I never update my Facebook anymore. This is an inside look into my life, as glamorous as that seems. It's a look at my trials, triumphant, and tender moments. We'll see how long I keep this up. I do not have the greatest track record with blogs.
As most of you know, I've started college this fall. I haven't been to school in twelve years, and was I ever in for culture shock! I have heard missionaries talk about culture shock, and now I can say that I've experienced it. My first day, I got up, ate breakfast, and got dressed. Maybe I'm from the old school which said that when you get dressed for school, you actually get dressed! I got to college, and was shocked. There were people who were half dressed, some actually came in their pj's (or so it looked), and people who were bigger than me who were less than half dressed. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the skinniest person around, but at least I keep myself covered. Not these girls. They were flaunting everything quite proudly. At first I was self conscious, but after seeing the fashions of today, no more.
Then I get into the classroom, and again I experienced more culture change. Remember when a real life teacher used to teach? No more. Now we sit in front of a computer, and a teacher teaches us on the computer. This wasn't a bad thing for me. I never liked being called on in class anyway. This way the teacher can't catch me off guard. The college I go to has 6000 people enrolled, and I don't think any of them know how to smile politely and say hi. Maybe it's a foreign language to them. Or maybe they think someone who is 29 plus a few years is incabable of speaking. Just because I have no idea what IMG, LOL, LMBO, PLOS, and the rest is, doesn't mean I can no longer communicate in English. I'm quickly finding out that our dear old native English is becoming a dead language. Between IM, Spanish, and Hick Talk, I'm finding it hard to communicate with my peers.
So, as I brave onward in my quest for that coveted college degree, I find I have a lot more to learn about life in the 21 century. I feel my brain going into overload at times. Between Algebraic equations, 1000 word essays on the ethics of eating meat, and a Psychology professor who likes to teach us cuss words in foreign languages, I'm finding that college is a life changing experience. I am learning more than I ever imagined, and most of it goes against what I firmly believe. Did you know that there is such a thing as speciesism?! If you believe that human beings are superior to other animals, you are a speciesist. According to this philosophy, if we can consciously eat animals, then we can consciously eat human beings who are smaller and less intelligent than we are. On the other hand, I am finding everyday that God is with me, and shows me that He is with me.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog! You are brave to go back to college! I think I would be scared to death! Best wishes in your new college classes!
