Saturday, October 2, 2010

The World is Coming to an End

To all of you who know me, may have heard that I have a love-hate relationship with coffee, and all coffee products. I love the smell; hate the taste. Tonight, my wonderful husband took us to McDonald's for supper. It was freezing outside (60) and he ordered a mocha. It smelled delicious, and through the lid, I could see the whipcream and chocolate. He asked me if I wanted a taste, and at first I turned him down. I can't stand the taste of coffee. I thought about it again, and tried a little sip. It wasn't bad, so I tried another, and another. He finally told me that was enough, and wanted it back. I think I could learn to like it. Today mochas, tomorrow, espressos!!!! Maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

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