Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tis the Season (well, in a few months)

Now that midterms are over and life is back to it's crazy, normal self, I can now look ahead to the next phase of life. CHRISTMAS!! I've already completed a couple presents, thanks to Lucy (my ever present companion, my laptop) and am totally in the Christmas mood. Last night is what put me there. It was Arkansas's version of a bitterly cold night. (45*) I froze all night even though I was huddled underneath Phil's huge jean quilt. After laying there, shivering for a few minutes, I turned over to a tiny fellow, and said those magic words, "Come here, Buddy" and Aaron came running from his toddler bed. He knows that he can't sleep with Mommy and Daddy, but when we give him permission, he's in heaven! We laid there, snuggling, and I felt his little head go limp, and knew that he was asleep. I realized, laying there with him in my arms, that these times are going to get fewer and fewer. He won't be my precious little boy forever and I need to cherish each moment. I put him back in his bed, and finally went to sleep. I woke up three or four times literally shaking with the cold. I think Phil finally turned the furnace on, because when I woke up in the morning, the house was slightly less chilly.
I'm at the library now, getting ready to work on my Computers homework. I passed all my midterms. Got a 94% in math, 90% in Computers, 100% in Psychology, and 98% in English. Pretty good, for a middle-aged, scatterbrained lady!:) On my way over here, I stopped by McDonald's and treated myself to a Carmel mocha cap. (forgot how to spell it.) Yes, my Dear Loved Ones, I actually bought, with my own money, a beverage containing coffee. (or some coffee, I think it was mostly milk). I was listening to Alabama's Christmas CD, and dreaming of Christmas. It warmed me up, and I think I'm getting a caffeine high. I can now drink French Vanilla, Mocha, and Carmel Mocha Cappuccino (sp?). I'm pretty proud of myself.
Well, my textbook is calling my name, and I'd better get busy. I've got a lot of work to do the next couple weeks. I have to write a 2000 work research paper on whether or not our Founding Fathers meant the phrase "all men are created equal" literally or not. Take care everyone, and remember that each one of you are loved very much!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Little Bit of Everything

Ah, tis the season for pumpkins, candy, falling leaves, and midterms! Yes, Loved Ones, midterms are here. I take my last two tests Thursday, then I'll be home free. I'm afraid my straight A average has fallen. I'm getting an 89.95% in computers. I was a little disappointed, but realize I have the rest of the semester to get it back up to a 90 or higher. I've always been a lot harder on myself, than other people. If someone else was getting all A's and a B+, I would think they were doing awesome, but with myself, I feel like I should have worked harder. I goofed off so much in school, that this is my time of redemption. My wise-beyond-his-years husband says to just concentrate on keeping all my averages above 60%, but I can't seem to do that. I want perfection, and it's hard accepting anything less.
Now, on to pleasanter topics. Deer Season is here again, and in my neck of the woods, that is a National holiday. It ranks up there with Christmas and Thanksgiving. Phil went out this morning with Jason, and again this evening with Steven. I'm still hoping for a deer head for my wall, and a freezer full of meat. After muzzle loaders, then comes some other kind of gun, so we have a while to go. Some people might have a problem with eating Bambi, but my philosophy is Bambi is cheaper than beef, and on a pastor's salary, beggars can't be choosers. I have ways of fixing deer meat so you can't even taste the "wild taste."
Jason and Steven are now in 4-H as well as Cub Scouts. They went to their first meeting Monday, and loved it. They've picked electricity and fishing as their projects, and starting in January will be a part of the Shooting and Archery Club. They will also advance up to a full fledged Boy Scout in January as well. Who ever said that homeschoolers lacked socialization obviously didn't home school their children. We could have them involved in things every night of the week if we wanted to. Timmy finally earned his Tiger Paw and was presented with it Monday night. He was so proud of himself. Several more boys have joined his troop, so he's making friends. This is a huge deal for him. He's so shy. Luke is doing wonderfully in Kindergarten. He's reading and writing very well now, and is racing through his math as well. The rate he's going, he'll be through with his Kindergarten work by January. Aaron is progressing as well, just not as fast as Mommy wants him to. We had a conference with his teachers last week, and found out he's met 6 of his goals so far. They've added occupational and physical therapy to his plan as well.
Well, now that I've caught everyone up on what's going on around here, I'd better get off. Psychology midterms wait for no one, and mine is coming up. Better get back to studying!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Men

I don't have the time for a long post today. I have too much school work to do, but wanted to take the time to let the world know how much I love and appreciate my men. Yesterday, while I was at the gym, Phil and the boys cleaned the entire house, and did laundry. I honestly don't think there is a greater group of six men on the planet. Timmy is even getting in on the action and doing extra cleaning jobs. Luke still needs some coaxing, but what can you expect from a 5 year old? I sometimes feel guilty for not being around more, but know that it is for a good purpose. Everything I do is to give them a better future. I love my boys, and each one of them is a great blessing from God.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Library Etiquette 101, and Luke

Ok, class, what was the first rule we learned about going to the library? The one that every Preschooler should know? When we are in the library we are to....anybody?.....BE QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So why is it, that a college-aged guy, sitting not more than five feet away from me can not be quiet?! He is sitting there with his laptop opened in front of him, laughing hysterically, every few moments! It is so annoying! Maybe I should get up and say something, or not. I wonder if thinking vicious thoughts about him would transport themselves into his brain? I need to be working on English, but I'm having a hard time concentrating. Writing on this blog doesn't help either. I really should log out and start studying.
Luke, my five year old, was hilarious in church the other night. He got in trouble for talking, so I made him sit in the front seat while I was playing the piano. He sat there quietly for a few minutes, and I thought he had learned his lesson. He gets very embarrassed when people look at him. The singing ended, and I sat down in the pew behind him. His dad stood up and started preaching, and I noticed that all of a sudden Luke started shaking. Almost as if he was having convulsions. He stopped and was still for several more minutes, then started the shaking again. I started watching him closely, and noticed he was looking toward the wall. The crazy kid was making shadow puppets with his hands! One hand was a dog, and it was eating whatever the other animal was! That was what the shaking was! I started laughing until I cried. It was too funny! Like I've said before, only a preacher's kid!!!!! I guess the pastor's wife laughing like a looney person in the second seat doesn't set a good example! Oh well, a sense of humor goes with the job!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The World is Coming to an End

To all of you who know me, may have heard that I have a love-hate relationship with coffee, and all coffee products. I love the smell; hate the taste. Tonight, my wonderful husband took us to McDonald's for supper. It was freezing outside (60) and he ordered a mocha. It smelled delicious, and through the lid, I could see the whipcream and chocolate. He asked me if I wanted a taste, and at first I turned him down. I can't stand the taste of coffee. I thought about it again, and tried a little sip. It wasn't bad, so I tried another, and another. He finally told me that was enough, and wanted it back. I think I could learn to like it. Today mochas, tomorrow, espressos!!!! Maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself.