Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Library Etiquette 101, and Luke

Ok, class, what was the first rule we learned about going to the library? The one that every Preschooler should know? When we are in the library we are to....anybody?.....BE QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So why is it, that a college-aged guy, sitting not more than five feet away from me can not be quiet?! He is sitting there with his laptop opened in front of him, laughing hysterically, every few moments! It is so annoying! Maybe I should get up and say something, or not. I wonder if thinking vicious thoughts about him would transport themselves into his brain? I need to be working on English, but I'm having a hard time concentrating. Writing on this blog doesn't help either. I really should log out and start studying.
Luke, my five year old, was hilarious in church the other night. He got in trouble for talking, so I made him sit in the front seat while I was playing the piano. He sat there quietly for a few minutes, and I thought he had learned his lesson. He gets very embarrassed when people look at him. The singing ended, and I sat down in the pew behind him. His dad stood up and started preaching, and I noticed that all of a sudden Luke started shaking. Almost as if he was having convulsions. He stopped and was still for several more minutes, then started the shaking again. I started watching him closely, and noticed he was looking toward the wall. The crazy kid was making shadow puppets with his hands! One hand was a dog, and it was eating whatever the other animal was! That was what the shaking was! I started laughing until I cried. It was too funny! Like I've said before, only a preacher's kid!!!!! I guess the pastor's wife laughing like a looney person in the second seat doesn't set a good example! Oh well, a sense of humor goes with the job!

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