Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Little Bit of Everything

Ah, tis the season for pumpkins, candy, falling leaves, and midterms! Yes, Loved Ones, midterms are here. I take my last two tests Thursday, then I'll be home free. I'm afraid my straight A average has fallen. I'm getting an 89.95% in computers. I was a little disappointed, but realize I have the rest of the semester to get it back up to a 90 or higher. I've always been a lot harder on myself, than other people. If someone else was getting all A's and a B+, I would think they were doing awesome, but with myself, I feel like I should have worked harder. I goofed off so much in school, that this is my time of redemption. My wise-beyond-his-years husband says to just concentrate on keeping all my averages above 60%, but I can't seem to do that. I want perfection, and it's hard accepting anything less.
Now, on to pleasanter topics. Deer Season is here again, and in my neck of the woods, that is a National holiday. It ranks up there with Christmas and Thanksgiving. Phil went out this morning with Jason, and again this evening with Steven. I'm still hoping for a deer head for my wall, and a freezer full of meat. After muzzle loaders, then comes some other kind of gun, so we have a while to go. Some people might have a problem with eating Bambi, but my philosophy is Bambi is cheaper than beef, and on a pastor's salary, beggars can't be choosers. I have ways of fixing deer meat so you can't even taste the "wild taste."
Jason and Steven are now in 4-H as well as Cub Scouts. They went to their first meeting Monday, and loved it. They've picked electricity and fishing as their projects, and starting in January will be a part of the Shooting and Archery Club. They will also advance up to a full fledged Boy Scout in January as well. Who ever said that homeschoolers lacked socialization obviously didn't home school their children. We could have them involved in things every night of the week if we wanted to. Timmy finally earned his Tiger Paw and was presented with it Monday night. He was so proud of himself. Several more boys have joined his troop, so he's making friends. This is a huge deal for him. He's so shy. Luke is doing wonderfully in Kindergarten. He's reading and writing very well now, and is racing through his math as well. The rate he's going, he'll be through with his Kindergarten work by January. Aaron is progressing as well, just not as fast as Mommy wants him to. We had a conference with his teachers last week, and found out he's met 6 of his goals so far. They've added occupational and physical therapy to his plan as well.
Well, now that I've caught everyone up on what's going on around here, I'd better get off. Psychology midterms wait for no one, and mine is coming up. Better get back to studying!

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