Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tis the Season (well, in a few months)

Now that midterms are over and life is back to it's crazy, normal self, I can now look ahead to the next phase of life. CHRISTMAS!! I've already completed a couple presents, thanks to Lucy (my ever present companion, my laptop) and am totally in the Christmas mood. Last night is what put me there. It was Arkansas's version of a bitterly cold night. (45*) I froze all night even though I was huddled underneath Phil's huge jean quilt. After laying there, shivering for a few minutes, I turned over to a tiny fellow, and said those magic words, "Come here, Buddy" and Aaron came running from his toddler bed. He knows that he can't sleep with Mommy and Daddy, but when we give him permission, he's in heaven! We laid there, snuggling, and I felt his little head go limp, and knew that he was asleep. I realized, laying there with him in my arms, that these times are going to get fewer and fewer. He won't be my precious little boy forever and I need to cherish each moment. I put him back in his bed, and finally went to sleep. I woke up three or four times literally shaking with the cold. I think Phil finally turned the furnace on, because when I woke up in the morning, the house was slightly less chilly.
I'm at the library now, getting ready to work on my Computers homework. I passed all my midterms. Got a 94% in math, 90% in Computers, 100% in Psychology, and 98% in English. Pretty good, for a middle-aged, scatterbrained lady!:) On my way over here, I stopped by McDonald's and treated myself to a Carmel mocha cap. (forgot how to spell it.) Yes, my Dear Loved Ones, I actually bought, with my own money, a beverage containing coffee. (or some coffee, I think it was mostly milk). I was listening to Alabama's Christmas CD, and dreaming of Christmas. It warmed me up, and I think I'm getting a caffeine high. I can now drink French Vanilla, Mocha, and Carmel Mocha Cappuccino (sp?). I'm pretty proud of myself.
Well, my textbook is calling my name, and I'd better get busy. I've got a lot of work to do the next couple weeks. I have to write a 2000 work research paper on whether or not our Founding Fathers meant the phrase "all men are created equal" literally or not. Take care everyone, and remember that each one of you are loved very much!

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